Lectra has successfully pulled off its bid to design and manufacture in France, all the while keeping up its competitiveness. We achieved this by upscaling our product range and significantly improving our industrial performance. Still today, we relentlessly challenge our processes and are firmly committed to a continuous improvement approach. These are considerable strengths as we go about strengthening our leadership in the age of the 4th Industrial Revolution.
Lectra’s advanced technologies — digital continuity and cutting room solutions — facilitate the digital transformation for companies that use fabrics and leather in fashion, automotive and furniture.
Lectra’s breakthrough in the Industry of the Future is rooted in its DNA for innovation and an ambitious long-term industrial project: keeping production in France through operational excellence.
Today, the Group has more than 1,700 employees and 32 subsidiaries worldwide, and customers in more than 100 countries. It earned €283 million in revenue in 2018, 94% of which came from outside France. Lectra is listed on Euronext.
Labelled Project
When the leaders of Lectra decided to keep the plant in Bordeaux-Cestas, they pointed to three success factors:
- upscaling through disruptive innovation
- offering customers ever more value
- increasing the production site’s productivity.
This project has been labelled in 2017.
Lectra kept its production sites in France and maintained its competitiveness.
The keys to success in the plant: the adoption of Kaizen methods and the integration of production constraints from as early as the design stage, up to customer service.