

Seco Tools is one of the world’s leading suppliers of comprehensive cutting tool solutions with recognised expertise in milling cutter bodies.
Within the strategy set out by Groupe Seco Tools, Bourges is a plant focused on product innovation and must meet an operational performance requirement.

Labelled Project

This context heightens the need for the flexibility, creativity and autonomy of people and teams in the organisation.
To put people at the heart of its strategy, Seco Tools has adopted participatory management, skills development for employees, and the deployment of technologies that serve the people.

This project has been labelled in 2018.


It is not robots that innovate…
Innovation comes from two flows with a feedback loop, one top-down with the company’s objectives and the other bottom-up, consisting of innovative suggestions from employees.

This project, in which people are placed at the heart of the Industry of the Future, meets an operational performance requirement, essential to our Group’s overall strategy. It is underpinned by the trust placed in the people, and is reflected in a new managerial approach.

Production Director

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