Hoffmann Green Cement Technologies, pioneer in decarbonised cement

Hoffmann GCT is reducing the carbon footprint of its cement by 70% to 80%. ©Hoffmann Green Cement Technologies

The ecological transition also requires the involvement of the construction industry. In this respect, the young French start-up Hoffmann Green Cement has come forth as a pioneer, offering a breakthrough technology in cement.

The manufactured material most consumed world-wide, cement is responsible for 7% of CO2 emissions. The French SME, founded in 2015, is reducing the carbon footprint of its production by 70% to 80%. No competitor to date has developed solutions as low in carbon as Hoffmann.

The start-up offers an alternative to conventional “Portland” cement. The latter is composed of clinker, the main component in cement, made by heating limestone to 1,450 degrees for eighteen hours, it thus emits high carbon emission levels. Hoffmann Green Cement manufactures a “0% clinker” cement made from production waste such as clay sludge, blast furnace slag, gypsum and ash. This type of cement emits only 188 kilograms of CO2 per tonne produced, compared with 866 kilograms with Portland cement.

The company, based in the Pays de Loire region, is starting construction of a second “green cement” plant in Vendée. This €22 million investment will soon be replicated in the Ile-de-France region. Hoffmann Green Cement Technologies, which boasts an order book of 160,000 tonnes, raised €75 million in 2019 to increase its production tenfold within four years. Its ambition is to reach 3% of the French market, which totals 18 million tonnes per year, by 2024 or 2025.

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