Montreal will host Americana, the leading multi-sector environmental event in North America, from March 20 to 22, 2023. For three days, environmental technology professionals will present their innovations and swap ideas during over 100 conferences, workshops, and activities. The France pavilion will offer a showcase to fifteen French businesses that have the shared purpose of conquering the North American market.
Water management, waste recycling, the circular economy and soil and groundwater decontamination will all be addressed at this major biennial event in North America. The France pavilion will feature fifteen French businesses that are all innovators in these areas.
Air and Water: La French Fab innovates
At a time when outdoor air pollution accounts for 48,000 premature deaths a year in France, French businesses are working to improve air quality. AIR&D, which has already been adopted in Paris and other French cities, offers AI and 3D modeling to monitor urban air quality in real-time, which allows the implementation of more effective anti-pollution measures. In order to decontaminate sensitive areas such as schools, TrapAparT has designed innovative passive fine air particle filters (PM10 and PM2.5) which require no energy input and are easy to install and maintain!
In France, access to drinking water is almost 100% guaranteed, thanks to the large number of businesses that specialize in water treatment. Drag’eau manufactures anti-limescale and physical sludge removal filters, which employ a natural chemical-free process to treat pipes and sludge in closed circuit systems (heating). It is already distributing them to over 150 collaborators worldwide. Do you need to monitor water quality in real-time? Redberry, a startup that has just raised €1 million to industrially produce its solution, is capable of monitoring the microbial load of drinking water in just a few hours.
The circular economy and recycling: major concerns in France
Given that industry must achieve net zero carbon by 2050, the French business ecosystem has placed itself on a battle footing to provide assistance to manufacturers:- Aprotek recovers industrial sludge and effluents, while Callisto captures gas from industrial effluents. The equipment will soon be installed in a dairy, with the result that 65% of the plant’s gas requirements will now be provided from its own waste. Waga Energy connects its Wagabox units to waste storage sites, extracts biomethane and reinjects it into the natural gas circuit. This saved 24,000T eqCO2 in 2021!
From automated AI sorting solutions for used tires (Regom) to unique mechanical recycling technology for complex industrial plastics that are transformed into stakes, pallets, and planks (Replace), La French Fab is not to be outdone in the area of innovative recycling!