This company transformation project initiated with the creation of Technoforme Engineering, now continuing through the transformation of our processes and our production facilities, will lead us in 5 years to conduct more than 50% of our business in the diversification of rail rolling stock and, in so doing, to generate growth!
With nearly 60 years of experience behind it, Stratiforme Industries designs and produces composite parts in a variety of industrial sectors such as defence, rail, energy and medical.
In 2015, Stratiforme Industries decided to launch a diversification policy that led it to study major market trends, gain greater awareness of the acceleration of changes in business models and the need to transform itself, identify the expectations of its products’ end users, anticipate needs and provide solutions to them.
Labelled Project
The creation of a composite technical centre within the Group with its own identity and unique market positioning, Technoforme Engineering, has been a catalyst for acceleration across all the Group’s sites.
This project has been labelled in 2019.
The return of production previously outsourced to low-cost countries was achieved by integrating new cutting-edge technologies, extending the digital development chain and training of staff whenever possible.
The new business models are encouraging it to continue developments in health, mobility and new energies, areas perfectly in line with the societal aspirations of the teams, and especially the younger generation.