Additive manufacturing


Cotral Lab is an SME based in Condé-en-Normandie. It designs, manufactures and distributes custom hearing protection systems. Today, Cotral Lab employs 2 million people and has more than 30,000 corporate customers.

Labelled Project

To meet its key challenges — conquering the international market, achieving operational excellence and building a laboratory capable of sustaining double-digit growth — Cotral Lab has shifted from artisanal and manual manufacturing to industrial and digital manufacturing.
This transformation, which is still under way, enables Cotral Lab to offer its customised protection worldwide with competitive delivery times and continuously improved products and processes.

This project has been labelled in 2019.


Moving from an artisanal and manual operation to an industrial and digital manufacturing process.

As soon as a project has been completed, we must immediately challenge ourselves to do even better.

Gwenolé NEXER
Performance and Transformation Director

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